Wednesday 13 June 2012

Bhindi Kurkuri (Crispy Okra)

Deep fried okra, smeared with gram flour and spices

preparation time-10 min
cooking time-10 min
  • Okra-250 gm
  • Gram flour-4 tbls
  • Chilli powder-1.5 t.s
  • Mango powder-1 t.s
  • Vinegar-1.5 t.s
  • Cumin seeds-1 t.s
  • Cashew pieces-2 t.s(optional)
  • Salt-1 t.s
  • Chat masala-1 t.s
  • Lemon juice-1/2 t.s(optional)
  • Oil-to fry
  1. Trim the ends of okra and chop cross wise or any shape of your choice.
  2. Sprinkle salt and vinegar ,mix well and cover and keep aside for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add chilli powder ,mango powder,cumin and cashew pieces mix well.
  4. Now sprinkle gram flour and toss gently,(don't rub the flour)
  5.  If it feels too dry then add 1-2 t.s of water
  6. Heat oil in a pan,and deep fry these okras in small batches.don't crowd the pan.
  7. Fry on medium heat,when become crisp and golden,drain on a tissue napkin.
  8. Sprinkle chat masala and serve immedietely.
  9. You can squeeze few drops of lemon juice over the fried okras just before serving.
serving suggestions-best served with rice ,daal and as a starter too.

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