Thursday 23 May 2013

Kokum Sharbat

Delicious summer cooler made with dried kokum 

Kokum sharbat is a sweet and  tangy delicious summer drink.Kokum is a very healthy and cooling fruit.This is very famous in the coastal areas of India specially in the Konkan region,they use it in various ways,specially as a souring agent in the curries .
Kokum have many medicinal properties,it can also be  applied directly on the skin for allergy cures.It is a very good antioxident,good for stomach and helps in digestion.Kokum butter is commercialy used in confectionery and in beauty products.
Kokum sharbat/drink is made with the soft kokum which is deep purple in colour,the dried fruit is soaked ,mashed and then sugar syrup ,black salt and roasted cumin powder is added in can make the thick concentrate,and  store that in the refrigerator for a week.It can also be made with fresh kokum fruit.

Preparation time-15 minutes
  • Kokum -12
  • Sugar-3/4 cup
  • Water-1 cup
  • Black salt-1/2 tsp
  • Roasted cumin powder-1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice- 1 tsp(optional)
  • Ice cubes -few

    1. Soak kokum in a cup of warm water for 45 minutes.
    2. Grind the soaked kokum in the mixer(along with the water) and make a smooth paste.
    3. In a pan add sugar and water and boil for approx 5-8 minutes and make a syrup(thick like gulab jamun syrup)
    4. Let the syrup cool down completely.
    5. Add the kokum paste in the sugar syrup and mix well.
    6. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve.
    7. Now add black salt,roasted cumin powder and lemon juice in it.
    8. Now the kokum sharbat concentrate is ready.
    9. You can easily store this concentrate in  the refrigerator for a week.
    10. How to serve-Add 3 cups of chilled water and ice cubes in the concentrate(can also add some mint leaves)
    11. Apply some lemon juice on the rim of the serving glass.
    12. Mix some sugar and roasted cumin powder and spread it in a plate.
    13. Dip the glass rim in this mixture..
    14. Gently pour the sharbat in the glass and serve.

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