Sunday 24 March 2013

Kaju Barfi /Cashew Fudge

A traditional Indian sweet made with Cashew Nuts

  • Cashew nuts,powdered- 1.5 cups 
  • Sugar - ¾ cup
  • Water - ¾ cup
  • Whole Milk Powder - 3 tablespoons*
  • Cardamom, ground - ½ teaspoon
  • Rose water 1.5 tsp *
  • Silver foil (Varak) - 3*
  1. Grind the Cashew pieces in a mixer by short pulses rather than continued grinding. Grind enough to just make a powder. Do not overdo the grinding, since the cashews will start releasing their natural oils and become sticky.
  2.  Put the powder in a bowl and add cardamom and milk powder into it, and mix well. 
  3. Take sugar and water in a pan and cook on medium heat to form a sugar syrup of 1.5 threads consistency. 
  4. When the sugar syrup is done you will see bubbles all over the syrup. keep stirring and switch off the flame and add the ground cashew powder and rose water and mix thoroughly.
  5. Let it cool down for about 5-8 minutes. Knead it into a smooth but firm dough with your hand.
  6. Grease a rolling pin and roll the dough on your working platform or any other smooth surface. 
  7. Apply the silver foil delicately over the flattened dough.then place a thick polythene  over it and gently roll with a rolling pin,so it will stick properly and neatly.
  8. Wait for 20- 25 minutes and then cut into squares or diamonds *.Enjoy!
My Notes-
1-If the dough is soft to handle, you may add a few teaspoons of milk powder to it ,to stiffen may substitute it with Mawa/Khoya - which is dried solidified milk, which looks like lumps of cottage cheese but tastes way better! It's easily available in the Indian Sub-Continent .
2-If the dough is too hard to roll smoothly, you may add a few teaspoons of fresh milk, and mix and mash gently.
3-You may substitute silver foil with crushed or thinly sliced pistachio and press them on the fudge with a rolling pin.
4- If you have difficulity in rolling on a board,then you can put the dough ball between 2 sheets of thick polythene and then roll easily.

5- You can substitute rose water with few drops of kewra essence.
6- *Use a wooden ruler to cut it into neat and perfect shapes/squares. 

sending to -simply tadka

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