Monday 18 February 2013

Cabbage Rice

Simple and flavourful rice,cabbage and bellpepper pilaf

preparation time-5 min
cooking time-15 min
  • Boiled rice-3 cup
  • Chopped capsicum-1 cup
  • Chopped cabbage-1.5 cup
  • Chopped Tomato-1
  • Fresh coriander-2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice-1.5 tsp
  • Chili flakes-1 tsp
  • Salt-1tsp
  • Ghee(clarified butter)-1.5 tbsp
  • Refined oil-1.5 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds-1 tsp
  • Chopped green chilies-1tsp
  • Cloves-2
  1. Chop cabbage and capsicum in small pieces.
  2. Boil 1 cup rice in salted water till almost cooked OR use 3 cup left over rice.
  3. Heat oil and ghee in a wide pan and add the tempering ingredients.
  4. When cumin become golden then add capsicum and cabbage saute for a minute on high flame.
  5. Now add chopped tomato ,cover and cook on low flame for a minute
  6. Add chili flakes ,rice and salt, mix and let it cook for a minute.don't stir too much.
  7.  Add lemon juice and fresh coriander and cook till mixed well
  8. Serve hot.
Serving suggestions-serve with yoghurt and salad.

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