Tuesday 1 January 2013

Chawal ki Kheer / Rice Pudding

India's most popular dessert!


preparation time-5 min
cooking time-1 hour
  • Full cream milk - 2 litres
  • Rice - 100 -150 gms*
  • Sugar - 175-200 gms **
  • Almonds - 15
  • Pistachio - 15
  • Raisins - 1.5 tbsp
  • Chiroli - 2 tsp
  • Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Crushed Saffron - a pinch

  1. Take a heavy bottom pan (I always use pressure cooker to make kheer) and grease it with pure ghee, especially the bottom of the pan.Add milk and give it a boil.
  2. Dry roast saffron, grind and soak in 1 tsp of hot milk.
  3. Wash rice and then wipe it well with a napkin and add in the boiling milk. Mix properly.
  4. Cook on medium heat, when it start boiling, lower the heat and cook till rice get cooked well and become soft, it will take minimum 40 minutes.
  5. Keep stirring in between, and gently mash the rice grains with the laddle while mixing.
  6. If the rice grains are not mashed while cooking then mash gently with a laddle or whisk.
  7. Now add sugar and cook for approx 45 minutes on slow heat.
  8. Keep stirring the kheer in between to avoid sticking to the bottom.
  9. Add chopped nuts, saffron and caradamom powder.
  10. Cook for 5 minutes and serve garnished with chopped pistachio.
Serving Suggestions - This dessert can be served hot or chilled .

1-.Don't use thin bottom pan to make kheer,otherwise the kheer will stick to the bottom and burn.
*-The quantity of rice depends on the consistency of kheer you want to make,as some want to make it thin and some prefer to make it thick and creamy.
**sweetness depends on your taste,so add sugar accordingly. 

Sending to-Jagrutis event

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