Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bean Sprout Rolls

Homemade crispy rolls made with refined flour and stuffed with mildly spiced bean sprout filling

  • Refined flour-1.5 cup
  • corn flour-1/4 cup
  • cooking oil-3 tbsp
  • lemon juice-5 drops
  • baking powder-1/4 tsp
  • salt-1 tsp 

  • Bean(moong) sprouts-3 cups
  • boiled potato-1 cup *
  • green chilies-1 tbsp
  • Chopped ginger-1.5 tsp
  • mint leaves-15
  • mango powder-1 tsp
  • chili powder-1 tsp
  • salt-1 tsp
  • garam masala-1/3 tsp
  • oil-2.5 tbsp
  • cumin seeds-1 tsp
  • asafoetida-1/2 tsp 
  1. STUFFING-Wash the bean sprouts well to remove any smell.
  2. Take 1 cup water,1/2 tsp sugar and bean sprouts in the pressure cooker and cook for 1 whistle on medium heat.
  3. Remove the cooker from the flame and then lift the whistle slightly with the help of a spoon and release the steam.
  4. Drain the sprouts in a colander(place a dish under the colander to collect the water,can use this water to make chapati dough or in any curry)
  5.  Heat oil in a pan and add cumin ,asafoetida and chopped green chilies.
  6. When cumin become golden, add sprouts and saute on medium heat to remove the extra moisture .
  7. Now add all the spices, finely chopped potato and chopped mint  and saute for a while.
  8. Take out in a bowl and let it come to room temperature.
  9. DOUGH-take a bowl and add refined flour,corn flour,salt and baking powder.
  10. Mix and then add oil and rub well.
  11. Add just enough water and make a medium stiff dough.
  12. Cover and keep aside for 10 minutes.
  13. Make medium size balls from the dough and roll them into medium thin discs(poori)
  14. Place approx. 2 tbsp of filling in the center and  fold from both the sides(apply little water on the sides before folding)
  15. Fold the roll as shown in the pics and gently press the joints.
  16. Heat oil in a pan and fry the rolls on medium heat till half done and then lower the flame and fry till golden in colour.
  17. Drain on a paper napkin and serve hot.
*-you can substitute potato with boiled banana or cottage cheese.
Serving suggeastions-serve with any tangy dip or ketchup.

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