Saturday 29 September 2012

Potato Spirals

  Home made  pastry slices  filled with mildly spiced potato mixture

preparation time-10 min
cooking time-10 min
serve- 6

For the chapati-
  • Refined flour-100 gms(1.5 cup)
  • Refined oil-4 tsp
  • Salt-1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice-few drops

  • Potato-3 (medium)
  • Grated ginger-1tsp
  • Fresh coriander-2 tbsp
  • Chili powder-1.5 tsp
  • Turmeric-1/3 tsp
  • Mango powder-1 tsp
  • Garam masala-1/4 tsp
  • Chat masala-1/3 tsp 
  • Bread crumbs-1/2 cup
  • Salt-3/4 tsp
  • Refined oil-2 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp
  1. Boil,peel and mash the potatoes.
  2. Heat oil in a non stick pan  and add cumin seeds .
  3. When it start crackling add ginger,turmeric and mashed potatoes and saute for a minute on medium heat.
  4. Now add all the spices and saute for 2 minutes on low heat
  5. Take out in a bowl ,mix chopped coriander,bread crumbs and let it cool down .
  6. Take a bowl add refined flour,salt,lemon juice and oil.mix well
  7. Now add some water and make a medium stiff dough.cover and rest for 15 minutes
  8. Take 1 tsp of corn flour and mix with 1.5 tsp water and make a slury,keep aside
  9. Knead the dough and make ping pong size balls and roll them to make chapatis
  10. Gently apply thin layer of slury on a chapati.
  11. Then apply thin layer of potato mixture on the chapati.
  12.  Roll tightly and make a cylinder and then slice it with a sharp knife.
  13. Take a slice and gently press between your palms to seal it.repeat this with all the slices.
  14. Heat oil in  a pan and deep fry the spirals on medium heat till golden in colour.
  15. OR- brush with oil and bake in oven on 200 c temp.  till crisp and golden.
  16. Drain on a tissue paper and serve hot
Serving suggestions-best serve with mint chutney and tomato ketchup.

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